What are your thoughts on how Dr. Riley did with Congressman Aiken? Essay Assignment Paper

What are your thoughts on how Dr. Riley did with Congressman Aiken? Essay Assignment Paper

What are your thoughts on how Dr. Riley did with Congressman Aiken? Essay Assignment Paper

Compose a Tweet that describes how the Global Burden of Disease is impacting your community

Visit the City Health Dashboard at https://www.cityhealthdashboard.com/ (Links to an external site.) and identify the top three health care issues facing your community or a community closely related. Then relate these issues back to the Global Burden of Disease and national efforts to address these health care burdens.

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What are your thoughts on how Dr. Riley did with Congressman Aiken? Essay Assignment Paper

specifically for you.

1. Explore the national initiatives and determine if these approaches have meaning within your community and can offer a positive solution to some of the healthcare issues facing your community.
2. Discuss which strategies you would use to engage your local policymaker in a discussion about these national initiatives to advocate for change. Remember the excellent resources to determine national healthcare goals are at the NIH or Healthy People 2020 websites.

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3. Compose a Tweet that describes how the Global Burden of Disease is impacting your community. Remember to be concise as Twitter only allows 140 characters. Share your Tweet in the discussions.
4. Finally, what are your thoughts on how Dr. Riley did with Congressman Aiken? What did she do correctly and what could she have improved? As you consider your initial meeting with a Congressman, would you have prepared additional information or in a different way? Share your thoughts and perspectives.

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