Quality Improvement Strategies

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Quality Improvement Strategies essay assignment

Through your work on Section 3 of the Course Project, you have examined the gap between current performance and evidence-based targets and considered how addressing this gap relates to organizational priorities and large-scale aims for quality improvement.

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Quality Improvement Strategies

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To prepare:

  • For this section of your Course Project, you create a process map to examine a current process related to your quality improvement issue. You will use the results of the process mapping to redesign a process to help minimize or close the performance gap(s). As you proceed, keep in mind the importance of maintaining a patient-centered focus so the patient experience is not negatively affected by any changes in process.
    • Review the instructions provided in the Learning Resources for creating a process map.
    • With your quality improvement issue in mind, as well as the other work you have completed on your Course Project thus far, think about how creating a process map could help you to better understand your quality improvement issue and redesign an associated process.
    • Create a process map using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
    • Refine the strategies for promoting systems-level change to minimize or close the performance gap(s) that you began to think about in Week 7. As part of this, identify a way to redesign at least one process based on your analysis of the process map that you have created.

    To complete:

    • Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you describe quality improvement strategies that you selected related to your quality improvement issue.
    • Finalize your process map, which will be submitted along with the paper.
  • Based on the above, start to think of specific evidence-based strategies that could be implemented to close/minimize the performance gaps you have identified. Consider both interventions (what) and processes (how). Focus on strategies that are supported by the latest research and could create systems-level change. These may be tentative for now, but be sure to identify at least one that specifically lends itself to a change in process (i.e., practice, protocol, pathway, activity).

To complete this Assignment, you will create a process map and write a paper describing quality improvement strategies.