Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Assignment paper

Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Assignment paper

Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Assignment paper

Desai pinky HSC601:-Healthcare Policy and Medical Ethics Date: – 10/06/2009 Question 2: What moral theories are the most important in the healthcare reform debate? The four moral theories which have been refereed in the book satisfy one or the other aspect of the ethical analysis and also keep the foundation for further analysis. However no theory satisfies all the relevant criteria. All the four theories have pointed out their ways and means to reach a decision which is correct and ethically considered.

All the theories have reached some of the goals in the common like autonomy, privacy, beneficence yet with different perspectives.Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Paper

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The utilitarian mainly focuses on the value of the well being, which is analyzed in the terms of the pleasures, happiness welfare, preference satisfaction whereas the Kantianism believes that the morality is grounded in reason, duty rather than the sympathy, emotions. This indicates that the person have to act not only in an accordance with but for the sake of the obligation.

Utilitarianism is divided into two: – the rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism.

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The rule utilitarian considers the consequences of adopting certain rules whereas the act utilitarian disregards the level of the rules and sticks only to the principle of the utility. Thus the advantage of the rule utilitarianism is that it considers the parameters like justice, beneficence and laws and legal rights which lacks in the act utilitarianism. Kantianism mainly rotates around the following objectives. According to Kant “maxim” is the moral worth of an individual’s action that depends exclusively on the moral acceptability if the rule on which the person acts. Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Paper

Since the maxim applies to every individual that performs the similar act in the similar condition it has been declared as an universal law. The second objective of the Kantianism is the “categorical imperative”, which stresses the importance of the what must be done irrespective of our desires and the final objective of the Kant theory is the autonomy which typically refers to the judgments and actions one can take with their own will. However the importance of the autonomy is that if and only if the individual knowingly act in accordance with the universally valid moral principles that pass the requirements of the categorical imperative.

In the utilitarian theory the major flaw is immoral preference and actions. Even if the individual performs the act to produce the overall utility for everyone but if accidental the greatest possible utility is not achieved then the action will be wrong and it will be considered against the act. According to this theory the individual should perform the act in such way that it provides benefit to the most of the people regardless of their feelings and preference of their opinion. Moral Theories in Health Care Essay Paper

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