Managing Capital Resources in Health Care

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Managing Capital Resources in Health Care essay assignment

Select a project in need of capital investment. Examples of such projects include:

A community-based prenatal-care project for substance-abusing mothers.
Expansion of existing ambulatory surgery services to increase volume of procedures performed.
Research 3-5 primary and secondary sources to identify public and private funding for your project. Examples include grants, donations, awards, or special projects.

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Managing Capital Resources in Health Care

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Write a 1,000- to 1,250-word paper in which you:

Summarize the background, goals, and needs of your project.
Identify the primary and secondary sources of funding for your project along with the funding constraints for each source.
Describe your plan to structure these sources to meet the project’s goals.
Specify the potential internal ramifications that may arise while moving forward with the project along with your plan for managing them.
Include financial data using charts and/or graphs
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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