Evolution Of Facility Design Essay Assignment paper

Evolution Of Facility Design Essay Assignment paper

Evolution Of Facility Design Essay Assignment paper

Assignment: Evolution Of Facility Design

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Evolution of Facility Design
Complete the following chart using 175 to 350 words for each explanation of each time period to discuss the evolution of health care facility design since the 1900s to the present.

Time Period

Explain health care facility design during this time period.

1950 – 1990

Note: 10 lines have been provided for you. You may add lines depending on the number of time periods you discuss.

Write a 350- to 700-word response to the following prompts:

· Differentiate between the types of health care facility designs.

· Analyze two types of inpatient and two types of outpatient facilities.

· Describe the role of stakeholders (i.e., staff, donors, and consumers) in facility planning and development.

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