Digestive Disorder and Effect on Digestion System Essay Assignment paper

Digestive Disorder and Effect on Digestion System Essay Assignment paper

Digestive Disorder and Effect on Digestion System Essay Assignment paper

Pancreatitis is a digestive disorder or disease which affects the pancreas making it inflamed (Hart, Zen, Chari, 2015). Pancreases damage occurs when some of the enzymes of the digestive system are activated before being released in the small intestines where they are supposed to be used in the digestion process. These digestive enzymes start attacking the pancreas inflaming it (Rosendahl, 2019). There are two common types of pancreatitis which are acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis occurs as a sudden inflammation which does not last for long, and its effects are not very severe (Nesvaderani, Eslick, Cox, 2015). After getting appropriate treatment for acute pancreatitis, most of the people suffering from acute pancreatitis recover completely. Chronic pancreatitis lasts for long periods and normally occur after being affected by acute pancreatitis. Its effects on the health of the patient are more severe than those of acute pancreatitis, and so, if not given the required medical attention, it can be very detrimental (Majumder Chari, 2016). This paper aims to discuss pancreatitis and some of the main health issues associated with this digestive disorder. This discussion will enhance our knowledge about pancreatitis and teach us some of the strategies or methods we can apply to reduce our chances of getting pancreatitis which is a very serious disorder (disease) of the digestive system.Pancreatitis: Digestive Disorder and Effect on Digestion System

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There are many factors surrounding gastrointestinal health that need to be considered in the nursing assessment of pancreatitis. Some of these factors include the kind of foods and drinks which people take which may have different chemicals which can alter the normal functioning of the digestive enzymes and some diseases or health disorders which affect the digestive system (Assis Freedman, 2016). These factors are very important, and the nurses need to give them the required attention when assessing the patients with pancreatitis for them to offer the best and the most effective medical interventions which will be of great medical benefits to these patients (Bond‐Smith et al., 2016).Pancreatitis: Digestive Disorder and Effect on Digestion System

There are some dietary and gastrointestinal considerations which the nurses need to address when educating the patients with pancreatitis. Firstly, the nurses need to educate and advise the patients on some of the unhealthy nutritional behaviours which they should avoid for the sake of their gastrointestinal systems (Evans, Norman, Webb, 2017). The patients should avoid taking some foods such as red meat, full-fat dairy, fried potatoes and chips, mayonnaise, margarine, butter, among other foods which are known to cause some harm to the gastrointestinal systems if taken in excess. There are also some drinks such as alcohol and caffeine-rich drinks which also if taken in excess can harm the gastrointestinal health. The nurses should always consider all these dietary and gastrointestinal health issues which can increase the risks of getting pancreatitis if not given the appropriate medical considerations. To the patients, they should avoid taking the mentioned foods and drinks which increases their chances of getting pancreatitis disease which can cause serious trouble to their entire digestive system (Avila, Park, Golden, 2019). Instead, they should be taking balanced and healthy diets which can help to improve their digestive system and more so help to enhance the functioning of their pancreas. Such diets should be diets rich in proteins and vitamins. Some of the recommended foods which should be taken by people suffering from pancreatitis include egg whites, milk, beans, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, among other foods and drinks rich in proteins and vitamins (Shrikhande Barreto, 2018).

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