Creation of a nonverbal training guide Essay Assignment paper

Creation of a nonverbal training guide Essay Assignment paper

Creation of a nonverbal training guide Essay Assignment paper

Assignment: Creation of a nonverbal training guide

Create a nonverbal training guide for someone who wants to travel and experience the culture you have been studying in this class. In your training guide, you need to explain what to do and what not to do in nonverbal communication as well as provide explanations for why behaviors are either appropriate or inappropriate (ground your justification in scholarly research on cultural norms). This guide could be in paper, video, or in-class presentation format according to instructor discretion.

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Creation of a nonverbal training guide Essay Assignment paper

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The training guide needs to cover each of these nonverbal communication dimensions:
Physical appearance/attire
The training guide must also include a visual element to illustrate dos and don’ts.
Include specific warnings that address key differences in nonverbal symbols between the culture you are studying and the culture of your audience.
Be sure to included scholarly sources to support claims about what is normal/accepted behavior in the culture.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment measures the following competency: Comp 2.1: Interpret the meaning of symbols across cultures

To improve your nonverbal skills, you must first identify the areas where you are lacking.
Maintain Eye Contact. Establish eye contact when speaking to others. …
Use Your Facial Expressions. Your facial expressions convey your emotions. …
Be Considerate of Personal Space. …
Mind Your Posture. …
Be Aware of Tones and Sounds.

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