Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses Essay Assignment paper

Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses Essay Assignment paper

Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses Essay Assignment paper

The paper “Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses ” is a great example of a nursing assignment. We have been studying the effects of stress on nurses since the 1950s and 1960s, and stress and burnout remain significant concerns for nurses and administrators. Most of the studies involving nurse stress looked at nurses in acute care settings, which are certainly very stressful.Stress and Burnout Among Nurses Studies have looked at stress vs. patient outcomes, the effects of long shifts, the age and experience levels of nurses, and how a nurse’s family situation contributed to burnout. It was most interesting to look at different ways to reduce stress because those ways help on the job and in family life. Social support from co-workers and family help relieve stress because everyone is in the situation together.Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses Empowerment is also important, and that comes with proper training and tools, and schedules that allow nurses flexibility while still meeting patient care goals.

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