Vila Health: Planning and Analysis

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Vila Health: Planning and Analysis essay assignment

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Health care organizations are faced with ever-increasing complexity when it comes to the provision of care. The current advent and continuous convenience of electronic means of communication in all facets of life has made all customers (internal and external) expect these conveniences to be present. One area that often eludes this convenience is the collection of patient data. This includes but is not limited to subjective, objective, and historical data collection.
In this assignment, you are expected to use the Vila Health: Planning and Analysis challenge to complete the planning and analysis phases for a type of system that could help make the data collection process more meaningful for an organization.
For this assignment:
1. Provide a definition of the problem that contains:
a. Problem statement.
b. Identified issues.
c. Objectives and goals that match the issues.
2. Enumerate and discuss the scanning of the external and internal environment to include:
a. External environment:
i. Literature.
ii. Vendor information.
iii. Regulatory and accreditation requirements.
iv. Market trends.
b. Internal environment:
i. Interview and questionnaire results.
ii. Observations of current technology and anticipated technical developments.
3. Analyze the data collected during the scanning of the external and internal environments and summarize the findings to include the technical, operational, and economic feasibility.
Writing Requirements
Your paper must meet the following requirements:
o Length: At least 5 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header, headings.
o References: Peer-reviewed resources formatted following APA guidelines.
o Formatting: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
o Font size and type: 12-point Times New Roman.
Review the Vila Health: Planning and Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment

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