Using HIT as a Source of EBP for Nurse Burnout

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Using HIT as a Source of EBP for Nurse Burnout essay assignment

Burnout was first recognized as a psychological concept in the 1970s (Schaufeli and Enzmann 1998). Nurses are working longer hours and short staff. Burnout is thought to arise from a prolonged disparity between what the person gives and receives in the workplace (Maslach and Leiter 1997, Schaufeli and Enzmann 1998). This article explores strategies to help prevent nurse burnout and coping strategies for nurses to prevent job burnout. This article identified four key themes highlighting the fact that people with certain personalities traits have better coping skills, are less stressed and less likely to experience burnout. Also in this article there is a chart outlining problem-focused and emotional focused coping strategies.

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