Use of prstaglandins or oxitocin for labor induction vs spontaneous labor Essay Assignment Paper

Use of prstaglandins or oxitocin for labor induction vs spontaneous labor Essay Assignment Paper

Use of prstaglandins or oxitocin for labor induction vs spontaneous labor Essay Assignment Paper

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Use of prstaglandins or oxitocin for labor induction vs spontaneous labor Essay Assignment Paper

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This Assignment is helpful in developing the groundwork for understanding and integrating evidence-based practice in healthcare throughout the rest of the course. In this Assignment you will have the chance to see how the research you look for can be applied in the work you do in your practice.

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You will select a topic relevant to your practice area,(nursing in Labor and Delivery unit)

-Example of topics could be

1-Use of prstaglandins or oxitocin for labor induction vs spontaneous labor

2-Benefits of skin to skin and breasfeeding immediately after delivery

3-Benefits of transition baby and mom in the same room.

or any other that you could come up with.

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