Understanding Race and Ethnicity

Understanding Race and Ethnicity essay assignment

Understanding Race and Ethnicity essay assignment

For this activity, choose an object that represents your race or ethnic group.  Then with a friend (someone not related to you) have a show and tell!  Yup, like when you were in preschool.  This works better if you discuss with someone who is not from your own race or ethnic group.  Talk about why you chose this object to share with them and how it helps you talk to others about race and ethnicity.

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After you have talked about your object, fill out the activity sheet below.  Think about what aspect of race or ethnicity you actually talked about.  What areas are left out of the discussion (e.g. how it limits the discussion)? How do you think the relationship of the person you are with influences the conversation- what would the conversation look like if you were discussing with a stranger?

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