Types of Data Report

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Types of Data Report essay assignment

In order to prepare high school students to be college and career ready, high school counselors must be capable of using their detailed understanding of state and national career and readiness standards, legislative requirements, career development theories to build a program of systematic and data-driven college and career readiness interventions within the framework of a comprehensive school counseling program.

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Types of Data Report

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In Part 1 (Analyzing and Reporting the Results) of this assignment, you will analyze the data and report the results of your career intervention from Assignment 4. The section is completely separate from Part 2 of this assignment.


In Assignment 4, you developed and delivered a small groups/classroom college and career readiness intervention to a target population of your choice. The instructions in assignment 4 pertaining to evaluating the intervention required you to collect data to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. You were required to: Develop a method of assessment that includes the use of process, perception, and outcome data and utilize both quantitative and qualitative types of data. In assignment 5.1-Part 1, please address the below prompts to develop a brief summary of your results:


  • Objective & Description of Data. State the intervention objective/s and describe the method of data collection. Describe the data that you collected (if you asked students questions, list each question; if you used an assessment describe the assessment…etc.)
  • Types of Data. Of the data collected, identify at least one type of process, perception, and outcome data. In the event you were unable to collect one of these three types of data (such as outcome data.. which is often the most difficult to collect for small interventions like these), state the obstacles you encountered and describe the outcome data you would have liked to collect if you had access to it. Additionally, identify what data was quantitative and what data was qualitative.
  • Data Analysis and Results. Analyze the results and report the main findings. For at least one type of your data, disaggregate the findings by gender and/or ethnicity. Frequencies and percentages should be reported. Make use of one graph or chart to report the results.
  • Interpreting the Results. After viewing your results, analyze and interpret how effective the intervention was based on the objectives. For example, when asked to analyze and interpret the data, you should address questions such as these: what interesting patterns or potential relationships did you discover when analyzing the data. How were students different as a result of the intervention. Were the objectives met. How do you know. Analyze how well you feel the data that you collected allowed you to assess the objective, explain? What would you do differently in hindsight?


In Part 2 (High School College and Career Readiness Plan) of this assignment, you will use the knowledge you have gained in this course to develop a program of college and career readiness interventions for a high school grade level of your choosing (9-12th).


For this assignment, you will design a program of career interventions that spans a single academic school year for a high school target population. When selecting your population, consider the career development theories discussed in our course. Design your plan based on the theory you feel would best meet the needs of your population chosen, as well as appropriate national/state college and career readiness standards in addition to developing a systematic and data-driven evaluation plan.


Over the past weeks, you have been introduced to many state/national standards/guidelines/requirements/legislation/education codes that are used to guide the development of college and career readiness programs.


For example:

  • Texas House Bill 5
  • The Texas College and Career Readiness Standards
  • Chapter 127. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development. B. High School.
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act
  • ASCA Student Competencies
  • ASCA Mindsets and behaviors


When thinking about all of the above, it can feel overwhelming to try and build a program plan for a single grade level that addresses everything associated with that level! For this assignment, you do not have to try and address “everything” but there should be clear evidence in your plan that both state and national standards were utilized.


Your design will include the following:

  • Description of Population.
    • Description of a target population (e.g., 9th grade high school students)
    • Analyzed the needs of your target population (e.g., enhanced self-awareness) based on a guiding career development theory (3 professional sources required in this section).
  • Standard and Objectives.
    • Description of the state and national standards (5-9 total) that will be addressed in the plan. Use both state and national standards. Out of state students have the choice of using Texas state standards or standards from their state of residence.
    • The program objectives (e.g., 3 program level objectives) should be educated by the selected state and national standards. Make sure to clearly specify how each program objective was educated by the selected standards. For example, based on specific areas of HB 5, TEKS, and ASCA student Standards (unlike this example, in your write-up you would spell out how the standards educated the objective), I might develop an objective such as (85 percent of 9th grade students will be able to identify three career clusters of interest by the end of the year). Here is another example, based on HB5 requirements a program objective might be 100 percent of 9th grade students will have met with a counselor to review their Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) by the end of the year). TIP: 2-3 state/national standards should be used to educate the development of each objective.
  • Intervention Timeline.
    • Timeline from September – June that specifies a systematic program of interventions to address the specified standards and objectives for one or more grade levels. Each intervention must be briefly described in 1-2 sentences (e.g., what is it?…such as Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) meetings with students/classroom lesson on Apply Texas). For each intervention, an objective and standard (both) should be identified that the intervention addresses. TIP: consider organizing this section by Month, and then use bullet points and headers as appropriate to organize the program of interventions for each month.
  • Evaluation Plan.
    • Develop an evaluation plan to directly assess your specified program objectives. Discuss how you would use process, perception, and most importantly, outcome data to assess the program objectives. Additionally, both quantitative and qualitative methods should be discussed. Last, how can the data be used for program improvement to foster a supportive school environment? TIP: a great way to organize this section is by each of your program objectives. Then include your plan to assess each objective. There is no single right way to assess a program. You could collect data on every intervention you run, you could collect data on just a few key interventions, or use another method entirely. What is most important here, is that you develop a clear and thorough plan to assess the program objectives.


This assignment is due to Blackboard by week 5, Day 7, 11:59pmCST and it is due in your TK20 course binder by Week 5, Day 7. This assignment is one of three key assessments in this course that will be submitted to TK20 by Week 5, Day 7.



Please be certain to submit all three of the below assignments to TK20. Late deductions will apply as determined by the instructor if not submitted to TK20.

  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 4
  • Assignment 5.1