The rate of HIV prevalence Essay Assignment paper

The rate of HIV prevalence Essay Assignment paper

The rate of HIV prevalence Essay Assignment paper

The paper “AIDS as a Community Health Issue” is a perfect example of a statistics project on nursing. The focus of this paper is on AIDS as a community health issue in Newton County, the state of Georgia in the United States.AIDS a Community Health Issue There lacks a representative national system of surveillance of the prevalence of AIDS infections (Prachakul, Grant and Keltner, 67). Estimates, in this case, are therefore based on mathematical models that utilized reported cases of AIDS, a number of serological surveys and on reports on new cases of HIV infections within states. It is important that plans on how health caregivers can be able to handle demands for medical services in case of a rise in the disease incidence and hence estimations have to be carried out.

Prachakul et al. (69) reveal that several serological surveys have been done in different parts of the nation and the information thereby obtained used in combination with the estimated number of those at risk of infection so as to come up with a more concise estimate that captures all details and ensures all data is synthesized. The use of a mathematical model involves combining the given data concerning the reported numbers of AIDS cases with the level of AIDS distribution during its incubation period. This is also known as back-calculation. The rate of HIV prevalence can thus be estimated once information on HIV cases as well as that on past infections is obtained.
As of December 2000, the United States had a total of 506, 154 HIV-infected persons on the minimum (Kralik, 35). The prevalence of HIV in the US fell between 900, 000 and 950,000 according to the year 2000’s statistics. It was estimated that each year there were 40,000 new HIV infections. Hence an annual 20,000 HIV deaths

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