The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept Essay Assignment paper

The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept Essay Assignment paper

The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept Essay Assignment paper

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious condition affecting the lives of millions of people. Its symptoms and consequences worsen with age. The disease can be caused by numerous factors, and cannot be cured. This paper will provide the background information on the possible reasons leading to the development of this condition and possible ways of preventing it.The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept Essay

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by “a gradual decline in memory and other cognitive functions and neuropathologically by gross atrophy of the brain and the accumulation of extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles” (Karch et al. 11). In simple words, it is the condition caused by the negative changes in the human brain that, as the end result, leads to memory loss and some behavioral issues that worsen the quality of patient’s life. Among other primary symptoms, there are initial memory lapses that later evolve into losing things around the house, facing difficulties in expressing one’s thoughts, e.g., problems with finding the necessary word, concerns with forgetting recent events, hardships in making decision, judging situations or with sequential tasks, losing orientation etc. (“What is Alzheimer’s disease” par. 9, 11).The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept Essay

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This condition has a robust genetic component behind it, as it has been proved that mutational in genes are the ordinary cause of the disease. What should be stressed on about the genetic background of the disease is that these are the mutations in proteins that lead to its development, namely amyloid precursor protein (Karch et al. 11).

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