Symptoms Causes and Treatments for Psychological Disorder

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Symptoms Causes and Treatments for Psychological Disorder essay assignment

Many if not all of our mental health ailments have been learned—usually in early childhood. The
positive aspect to this reality is “what we have learned can be unlearned.” The following
questions ask you to review a) the symptoms of anxiety and depression, b) how we can learn to
feel anxious and depressed; and, c) how learning new ways of thinking and behaving can
effectively treat what ails us.

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Symptoms Causes and Treatments for Psychological Disorder

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1. The film, Aviator, that stars Leonardo DiCaprio, tells the story of Howard Hughes.
Howard was a very intelligent and ambitious person who had developed OCD, Watch
the following scenes from this fil and summarize how each illustrates symptoms of OCD:

2. After viewing the first 9 minutes of the following interview with Howie Mandel, identify
the behavioral patterns that caused him to be diagnosed with OCD.

3. Research has demonstrated that we learn anxieties and fears through classical
conditioning. For example, if our parents consistently respond with alarm whenever we
get close to a dog, we will learn to also fear dogs. Our parents’ anxious response serves
as unconditioned stimuli that prompt our own unconditioned response of fear. The event
that caused parents to over-react—that is, the presence of dogs, becomes the conditioned
stimulus that produces the conditioned fear response to dogs. We don’t need to learn to
fear anxious in response to parents’ alarm response; but we learn to fear dogs even when
our parents are not present. Adapt this paradigm to explain how parents can
unintentionally condition their children to develop OCD—that is, cause their children to
feel anxious whenever they have contact with germs, are not perfectly organized and/or
perform less than perfect in school and elsewhere?

4. Summarize the pattern of thinking and behaving illustrated by the client in this video that
illustrates how her patterns are causing her to experience the two classic symptoms of
depression—feeling sad and doing very little.

5. What type of early experiences could lead people to learn negative self-evaluations of
themselves and their experiences?

6. Explain how Dr. David Burns demonstrates the power of positive thinking and why and
how this type of therapy is more powerful than medication:

7. How practicing mindfulness can help with depression and anxiety—