Substance Use Disorders in The LGBTQ

Substance Use Disorders in The LGBTQ essay assignment

Substance Use Disorders in The LGBTQ essay assignment

This assignment offers students an opportunity to explore a specific issue related to substance use disorders. Students will write a 5-page outline of a topic listed below. No more than two students may choose a particular topic. A topic sign-up sheet will be distributed during the second-class session. The text may be used as one reference for this assignment. Students are expected to use a minimum of four additional references from professional journals, government web-sites, and books for the outline (5 total references at minimum). Sources such as Wikipedia and web pages are not acceptable references. Students are strongly encouraged to use social work, psychology, human services or medical journals as references. Established professional / government internet resources listed in the syllabus may also be used. Students will submit a hard copy of their outline to the instructor. A reference page must be included with each outline. An outline with headings will be provided along with prior exemplar outlines.

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Substance Use Disorders in The LGBTQ

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Special Topic Outlines will include the following Headings:

  • Scope of the Problem (sub-headings: demographic data, statistics, substance use patterns)
  • Biopsychosocial Factors
  • Impact of SUDs (specific data on micro, mezzo, macro outcomes)
  • Assessment 
  • Treatment and Recovery (including access and evidence-based treatment)

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