Substance Abuse Essay Assignment paper

Substance Abuse Essay Assignment paper

Substance Abuse Essay Assignment paper

Nothing is wrong when someone uses drugs as medication and drinks alcoholic beverages. But becoming addicted to these substances is a serious case that becomes difficult to deal with when it gets out of control.Substance Abuse Assignment Example Substances that are usually abused are drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and abuse can turn into dependency.

The Food and Drug Administration defines substance abuse as the use of substance “for more than its intended purpose…that can harm the user’s health or capability to function properly”. In most cases, people become victims to substance abuse because the substance “provides a positive, euphoric effect.” Moreover, the substance is believed to reduce tension and even enhance personal abilities. However, addiction to substances differs from individual to individual. Biological factors also have effects on a person’s susceptibility to substance addiction (Friends4Life, 2000).

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Substance Abuse

There are varied and complicated reasons why people abuse substances such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco. There are studies which showed that there is a strong connection between drug dependence and abuse and crime. Despite the decline in the use of drug such as cocaine, the use of heroin and club drugs dramatically increased. Addiction to these substances affects people’s judgment, attention, perception, and physical control due to intoxication. Moreover, there are substances which can cause withdrawal. It occurs when a person’s use of a substance reduces or stops. Withdrawal symptoms can be in the form of hallucinations, anxiety, or seizures. Drug overdose, however, can cause death. Substances can also cause tolerance, a phenomenon wherein a person has to use or take a larger amount of the substance so that the person experiences the same level of intoxication (eMedicineHealth, “Substance Abuse,” 2009).Substance Abuse Assignment Example

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