Present how theories have influenced nursing informatics

Present how theories have influenced nursing informatics

Sample nursing paper on Present how theories have influenced nursing informatics assignment

Paper type: EssayNursing Informatics Theory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Subject Area: Nursing
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Nursing Informatics Theory

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Present how theories have influenced nursing informatics

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Theories have had a significant influence on nursing informatics. The reason is that tremendous evolutions that the named concept have undergone to date are mainly explained in terms of assumptions which have been conceptualized by nursing professionals. For example, in the 1970s, nursing informatics was defined as the application of technological tools in healthcare mainly because many theorists supported the same notion. The degree of influence that theories continue to have on nursing informatics will continue to change as new discoveries in the field emerge (Rouleau, Gagnon, & Cote, 2015; Moen & Knudsen, 2013).


There are three notable theories that have greatly shaped nursing informatics and it is generally understood. For instance, way back in 1985, Kathryn Hannah assumed that nursing informatics refers to the use of information technology tools to execute nursing functions. Based on this supposition, professionals in the nursing field believed that any healthcare activity that is performed using computer technology qualifies to be referred to as nursing informatics. Additionally, in 1989, people understood nursing informatics as the integration of nursing science, computer technology, and information science based on the assumptions of Graves and Corcoran. Furthermore, the American Nurses Association, later on, theorized that nursing informatics entails the use of computers to communicate, transfer, and manage healthcare knowledge to support nursing practice. Based on these assumptions, people viewed the concept as an invention with a complex and wide scope (Rouleau, Gagnon, & Cote, 2015).

In summary, theories have had great influence on nursing informatics because they determine how the concept is understood and applied by professionals in the field. Ideally, contemporary nurses should be conversant with novel theoretical advancements in the field for them to be informed with the most current conceptualization (Staggers & Thompson, 2002).


Moen, A., & Knudsen, L. (2013). Nursing informatics: Decades of contribution to health informatics. Healthcare Information Research, 19(2), 86-92. doi:10.4258/hir.2013.19.2.86

Rouleau, G., Gagnon, M., & Cote, J. (2015). Impacts of information and communication technologies on nursing care: An overview of systematic reviews (protocol). Systematic Reviews, 4:75. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0062-y

Staggers, N., & Thompson, C. (2002). The evolution of definitions for nursing informatics: A critical analysis and revised definition. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 9(3), 255-261. doi:10.1197/jamia.M0946

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