Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet

Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet Nursing Paper Example

Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet Nursing Paper Example

Refer to “The Use of Electro-Acupuncture in Conjunction with Exercise for the Treatment of Chronic Low-Back Pain,” by Yeung, Leung, and Chow.
Complete the Yeung Analysis Worksheet.
Examine the question the researchers were trying to answer and write an essay (500-750 words) that explains why you feel the t-test was chosen. Choose one of the other tools studied so far in this course and explain why it would not provide relevant findings.


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Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet

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Sample solution to “Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet” Nursing Paper 

Paper type: Essay
Course Level: Master
Subject Area: Nursing
# Pages: 3

Yeung Analysis

Clinical studies are often conducted to answer specific research questions. Besides, the type of study design chosen largely determines whether particular questions will be answered or not. For instance, if the hypothesis that is to be addressed requires some form of comparison, the investigators will have to use a study design that will enable them to view the correlation between or among variables. Furthermore, they will have to use a sample size that will facilitate that comparison while at the same time controlling potential biases. It is important to note that the researcher will often select the instruments and statistical tools to use based on the type of data that is to be collected. Ideally, research questions play a significant role in guiding clinical researchers on how they should organize their study in order to achieve research objectives.

The research question that Yeung, Leung, and Chow (2003) state that “Is Electro-acupuncture a better option to treat the pain and disability of the patients with chronic low back pain than standard exercise (Yeung, Leung, & Chow, 2003, p. 497)?” Considering the nature of the research question, it is clear that the researchers aim to compare the effectiveness of exercise alone and that of exercise combined with electro-acupuncture in managing disability and pain associated with low-back pain. Here, the independent variables whose performance has been measured in the study are exercise and Electro-Acupuncture (EA), whereas the dependent variables are disability and pain. Since it is a correlational type of study, the researchers have utilized a blinded prospective randomized controlled design which has enabled them to establish the relationship between and among variables.

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Besides, the investigators have used a large sample size of 52 patients to help control potential errors and biases. Moreover, with the samples chosen, the researchers have been able to organize the study participants into two groups for easy comparison of variable performance. One of the categories of subjects; the intervention group, comprises 26 patients exposed to exercise and electro-acupuncture. The other team of accomplices consists of 26 patients who are exposed to exercise treatment alone. The manner in which Yeung, Leung, & Chow (2003) organized their study portrays the important role that a research design plays in helping investigators to address their clinical research questions.

A clinical research can never be successful without careful collection and analysis of data. As earlier mentioned, the types of instruments and statistical tools used by clinical researchers often depend on the nature of the data that is to be gathered and assessed. Based on the nature of variables to be measured in the current study, it is clear that the researchers intend to collect ordinal data. Therefore, they have decided to use the Aberdeen Low-Back Pain (LBP) Scale and the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) as the most appropriate data collection tools. The reason is that the two instruments are the most appropriate for gathering ordinal data with the dependent variables that have been measured. Precisely, the tools have given the researchers an opportunity to observe changes in the degree of pain and disability following patients’ exposure to exercise and electro-acupuncture.

Besides, t-test has been chosen for the study because the researchers are interested in measuring changes in variables following the execution of two different types of intrusions. These are exercise and a combination of exercise and electro-acupuncture.  As Prel, Rohrig, Hommel, and Blettner (2010) explain, the best statistical tool to use in clinical trials that involve two interventions is the t-test. The reason is that the approach will allow the researcher to vividly compare any differences in variable performance after exposing subjects to the interventions in question. Moreover, the t-test is the most appropriate tool for answering the research question in the current study because it facilitates quick measurement of the localization and dispersion of the disability and pain. Considering the types of variables and the nature of data collected in the study, it is evident that other statistical tools such as Fisher’s exact test would not provide relevant findings because they are associated with an increased error rate especially when the interventions that are being assessed are less than two. This explains why statistical approaches other than t-test are often used in studies that measure more than two treatments using large samples (Prel et al., 2010).

Yeung Analysis Worksheet Paper Help

Following the careful organization of participants as well as proper selection of data collection instruments and statistical tools Yeung, Leung, & Chow (2003) have been able to successfully answer their research question. They have concluded that a combination of electronic-acupuncture and exercise can be an effective intervention for the treatment of disability and pain among patients with low back pain. Despite their success, there is one study limitation that can be observed in the study. The main disadvantage of the research is that it has mainly assessed the influence of exercise and acupuncture on disability and pain while ignoring the impact of other factors such as diet and medication. Based on this limitation, future researchers should aim to investigate the effectiveness of factors other than exercise and electro-acupuncture in reducing disability and pain associated with low-back pain.

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References: Complete HLT540 Yeung Analysis Worksheet” Nursing Paper sample

Prel, J., Rohrig, B., Hommel, G. & Blettner, M. (2010). Choosing statistical tests. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 107(19), 343-348. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2010.0343

Yeung, C., Leung, M., & Chow, D. H. K. (2003). The Use of Electro-Acupuncture in Conjunction with Exercise for the Treatment of Chronic Low-Back Pain. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 9(4), 479-490. Retrieved from

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