Statistical Regression Analysis

Statistical Regression Analysis essay assignment

Statistical Regression Analysis essay assignment

Find a peer-reviewed sociological research article published in the last 10 years (2011-2021) that uses quantitative data and regression analysis. Finding Sociology Journal Articles.docx

For your search terms, use <sociology regression> PLUS a general topic you are interested in. For example, you could add “gender”, “racism”, “work”, “sexuality”, “fathers”, “undergraduates”, “undocumented migrants” or something else you might want to read about.

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Statistical Regression Analysis

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Your goal is to select one article to read and write about. It may be best to download a few articles and skim them before selecting the best option for you. Some articles will be easier to read than others, but I do not expect you to understand every sentence of your article.

Generally, your articles will follow the following pattern:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review(s)
  3. Methods
  4. Data
  5. Analysis
  6. Discussion and/or Conclusion

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