Spread of Disease and Global Health Arena

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Spread of Disease and Global Health Arena essay assignment

Instructions: This assignment must be done in APA format. It is broken down into 2 questions. A minimum of 1600 words (references is not included) for the overall assignment is required. The minimum reference count is 4 (including in-text citations) for the overall assignment. Also, even though this assignment is done in APA, it must keep the question, answer, and reference format. Please see example below.

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Spread of Disease and Global Health Arena

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Format: Question: XYZ

Answer: XYZ

Reference: XYZ


General Instructions

  1. Worldwide spread of disease…..ramifications….implications
  2. Medical tourism………ramifications and implications
  3. Unrealistic expectations of world health system……what are they? Ramifications, implications?
  4. Define “responsible role” how would we know it if we saw it? List the steps. Explain how each is actionable


Article for questions:

The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Issues and Perspectives





  1. The world has become a global economy. Travel advances have minimized the time it takes for an individual to access most of the world. Thus, disease can spread in a matter of hours or days, exposing the world to potentially catastrophic epidemics. Coupled with this is the rising demand for medical tourism, and unrealistic expectation of the worlds health system. Discuss the implications and ramifications of not managing disease from a global perspective.


  1. Outline the steps a country can take to play a responsible role in the global health arena?


Part Two: This part of the assignment is simple. The minimum word count for this assignment is 250 words (per response); with one reference each.


Note: Write as if you’re actually talking to the person.