Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards

Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards essay assignment

Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards essay assignment

Use the following format for the paper:

– organize paper with the bolded sections

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Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards

specifically for you.
  • Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards and Self-Awareness
  • Social Worker Profession
  • Social Problems and Services

– answer the discussion points in your writing – do NOT list the discussion points.

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Social Worker Values and Ethical Standards and Self-Awareness (2-3 pages)

  • Discuss the values and ethical standards of the social work profession.
  • Reflect upon social worker values and ethics compatibility with your own values and perspectives of life and people.
  • Highlight two or three values that you identify or struggle with and tie them to some of the ethical standards.

Social Worker Profession (2-3 pages)

  • Explore whether social work is a profession that you might consider as a future career option.
    • why or why not?

Sociology, Social Problems and Services (2-3 pages)

  • Examine one or two area(s) of social work that you might like to focus on in the future (e.g. juvenile delinquency, mental health, child welfare, etc.), and the reasons why?
  • Provide one sociological concept or theory to describe why the social problem exists.

You should have more multiple sources cited in each section of the paper.

  • 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles – must be current and within years 2015 to 2022.
  • 2 other resources such as, news articles, textbooks, governmental agencies report and websites, PBS videos or other creditable sources.

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