Situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use Essay Assignment Paper

Situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use Essay Assignment Paper

Situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use Essay Assignment Paper

Week 6 Assignment: Show You Care
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 11
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources
Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty.

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Situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use Essay Assignment Paper

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Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous forum.
Articulate (and then assess) the ethical solutions that can found using “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to those problems.
Assessment must ask if the solutions are flawed, practicable, persuasive, etc.
What health care technology is involved in the situation?What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Explore such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.
Say how social technologies such as blogs, crowdfunding, online encyclopedias can be used in either case. What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Develop such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.

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