Simulation technology in nursing

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Simulation technology in nursing essay assignment

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Simulation technology has been transformative in nursing education. Through the use of simulation, nurses can repeatedly practice skills and gain clinical confidence in a risk-free environment. Simulation, however, is not just for health care professionals. How can nurses leverage simulation technology for patient and family education? Share your experiences and ideas for leveraging simulation technology for patient education.

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Simulation technology in nursing

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Simulation technology could be introduced into to a pediatric office to teach new parents how to respond in emergency situations. By teaching a parent how to react in an emergency, before one occurs, the situation could be less traumatic and scary, if the parent knows how to respond. The nurse or physician could use simulation or manikins to teach a new parent how to react if their baby or child is choking. Before teaching the parent, the educator would use the four major components of simulation: Pre-brief, enactment, debrief and assessment (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). The educator would pre-brief the parent on what is to be expected to happen and how to respond in a choking scenario. Then the parent would demonstrate what was taught. After the return demonstration, the provider and parent would have a one to one discussion. Simulation could also be used in teaching the parents and children newly diagnosed with diabetes, how to give insulin injections.

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