Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development Essay Assignment Paper

Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development Essay Assignment Paper

Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development Essay Assignment Paper

With regard to the addiction treatment in the context of the LBGT community, there are several risk factors that serve as barriers to effective substance abuse treatment. Some of these issues exist within the treatment environment, including ‘heterosexist comments and reactions from their peers’ as well as ‘staff members who lack education’ about the specific concerns of LBGT community members (Senreich, 2010a, p. 1077). As a result, LBGT clients may feel unable to be honest as well not feeling ‘adequately support to the necessary therapeutic work’ (Senreich, 2010a, p. 1077). This, in turn, contributes to feelings of alienation and isolation. LBGT Community and Addiction Treatment

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Consequently, LGBT clients may not feel able to explore relevant issues such as ‘the relationship between the use of substances and social aspects of being gay, lesbian, or bisexual’ and the use of substances as a coping mechanism for ‘feelings of internalized heterosexism and/or the stresses of societal oppression’ (Senreich, 2010a, p. 1078). Since these issues directly relate to sexual orientation issues, it is important to create an environment which engenders support and safety. Without the right environment and clients who feel supported and safe, ‘LGBT individuals may have more difficult treatment experiences and/or poorer outcomes in substance abuse treatment than do heterosexual clients’ (Senreich, 2010b, p. 430). LBGT Community and Addiction Treatment

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