Psychology Worksheet

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Psychology Worksheet essay assignment

Overview: Proper assessment and determination of treatment for clients with substance use disorders and addiction relies on use of a holistic, multidimensional
approach. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) uses six dimensions of criteria for determining treatment and care for individuals with addiction.
In this assignment, you will fill in the ASAM six dimensions using the case study you selected in Week One of the course. This activity will support you in creating
your final project DAP note in Week Nine.

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Prompt: Review the Final Project One Guidelines and Rubric document, the ASAM website, and the biopsychosocial you completed in Week Two.

Complete the ASAM Form for your case study client as follows. Use the information you gathered in your biopsychosocial.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Severity: Indicate the level of severity for each dimension on the chart.
 Reasons: Note reasons for the rating you have given for each dimension.
 Reflection: Reflect on how this assessment tool might help inform your treatment plan for your case study client.

Guidelines for Submission: Use the ASAM Form document to complete this activity. Cite all references in APA format