Psy 480 Wk 2 Clinical Psychology Essay Assignment Paper

Psy 480 Wk 2 Clinical Psychology Essay Assignment Paper

Psy 480 Wk 2 Clinical Psychology Essay Assignment Paper

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1 Why is assessment needed in  clinical psychology?

2. How are psychological assessment   and psychological testing the same or different?

3. What are the factors that   contribute to effective interviewing?

4. What are the different types of   clinical interviews? Psy 480 Wk 2 Clinical Psychology Assignment Papers.

5. What are major threats to   effective interviewing?

6. What are the major methods to   directly observe behavior in an assessment?

7. What are some of the advantages of   checklists and inventories?

8. What are examples of assessment   procedures that measure physiological activity?

9. Why might a psychologist be interested   in assessing physiological activity?

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