Professional Development and Leadership

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The Importance of A Child Centered Approach essay assignment

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1) Choose two competencies that may come in to conflict with each other. Discuss what the conflict could be and provide two suggestions as to how that might be minimized or eliminated.

2) Respond to one of your classmate’s posts. Please state who you are responding to by using their name in your response. (Below)

Classmate’s post that needs to be responded to:

Two core competencies that might come into conflict with each other include Program Planning and Development & Cultural Competency. It might be difficult for practitioners or facilitators, as well as for the students, to help students with program planning and evaluation. Communication and language barriers could be a conflicting situation between a student and a facilitator. I believe an American Sign Language translator could be hired to sit in with classes and help hard of hearing students learn. I also believe that having cultural humility is a large necessity for a facilitator to have in order to cooperate with students. In order to prevent or minimize this issue from arising, afterschool programs could bring in diverse guest speakers, or celebrate cultural holidays or diversity by embracing one another.