Perspectives on Sexuality

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Perspectives on Sexuality essay assignment

Write an 8-page paper outlining the essential elements of healthy sexuality. Using the course materials(textbook and attached lecture notes) and external research, this paper will describe the ways in which healthy sexuality contributes to an individual’s wholeness and well-being. Your paper should specifically address the following elements:

1. Define intimacy and describe how it can be beneficial to a person’s well-being.

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Perspectives on Sexuality

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2. Explain the purpose of abstinence before marriage.

3. Describe 3 essential elements/factors necessary to determine whether or not someone is practicing healthy sexuality.

4. Identify steps a couple may take to develop intimacy in their relationship.

5. Write a conclusion of your study of healthy sexuality thus far.

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Papers should be written in current APA format and use at least 5 external sources. Include a title page, abstract, and reference page, and provide at least 5 pages of content (not including title page, abstract, and reference pages) so that would be 8 pages total.

You are encouraged to include a biblical perspective with possible in text citations from Scriptures.

Must use this reference as one of the references within writing paper:

Balswick, J., & Balswick, J. (2008). Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. ISBN: 978-0-8308-2883-8.