Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children  Essay Assignment paper

Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children  Essay Assignment paper

Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children  Essay Assignment paper

Childhood obesity is one of the primary health concerns in the United States. It can be explained by the fact that it entails different critical health conditions, including chronic ones, such as type II diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, certain types of cancer, some cardiovascular, psychosocial, and metabolic diseases, and mental health issues as well as increased risks of morbidity (“Childhood obesity prevention program,” 2013). According to a recent study, there were approximately 12 million children, who are either overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). More than that, there have been no positive changes in this figure since the beginning of this century (Karp & Gesell, 2015). It means that the challenge is constantly aggravating (Nabors, Burbage, Woodson, & Swoboda, 2015). For this reason, it is critical to pay special attention to solving the problem of childhood obesity by focusing on minimizing the risks of the issue – preventing it. Therefore, the objective of the proposed evidence-based research is to speculate on the effectiveness of one of the interventions related to preventing obesity – launching an after-school obesity prevention program aimed at educating children and their parents. Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children Essay

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