NSU Political Considerations regarding Covid Vaccines

NSU Political Considerations regarding Covid Vaccines essay assignment

NSU Political Considerations regarding Covid Vaccines essay assignment

Last year, the Biden Administration issued two new policies regarding Covid -19 Vaccines.

Via the Department of Health and Human Services (HMS) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), all healthcare facilities must require that their workers are fully vaccinated. Since most healthcare facilities receive payment from CMS and to continue to receive these payments, they must comply.

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Several states are challenging the constitutionality of the policy, but the policy was upheld by the Supreme Court which means that healthcare mangers must plan and comply.

  • Some people have extraordinarily strong feelings regarding these policies. As a future health care manager, consider and address the following from the management perspective:
  • Identify two specific reasons that will provide positive benefits for your facility and the management of the facility, by instituting and following the policies described above.

Identify two specific reasons that will present a management challenge for your facility and the management of the facility if the Biden Policy should be rescinded.

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