Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units  Essay Assignment paper

Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units  Essay Assignment paper

Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units  Essay Assignment paper

The theme of research is “The problems of mismanagement at hospital respiratory units and ways of solving them.” Taking into consideration the topic of the investigation, it is possible to suggest a qualitative research design to perform the study. Out of the variety of qualitative research methods, grounded theory seems to be the most suitable in this case (Neuman 2014). Grounded theory is an approach that is frequently used with interpretivist methods (Collis & Hussey 2013). This kind of inductive theorizing presupposes establishing new analytical ideas from the existing theories rather than performing the analysis of the known concepts (Neuman 2014). An example of the employment of grounded theory is the study by Mishra, Gupta, and Bhatnagar (2014) focused on the exploration of work-family enrichment.Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

Using grounded theory enables researchers to establish the reasons, moderators, and outcomes of work-family enrichment. The approach is useful because it allows scholars to investigate the ideas based on known theories without having to formulate a theory of their own. Mishra, Gupta, and Bhatnagar (2014) emphasize the accuracy provided by grounded theory when it is employed in business research. Since the current project is also associated with business and management, grounded theory seems like a good choice of methodology. Another way of using grounded theory is the study by Fay (2011) concentrated on the employees’ choice of approaches to informal communication. This research is an example of how qualitative methodology may be used to identify patterns of communication between co-workers through a thematic analysis of their messages.

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