Minority Health Issues in South Africa  Essay Assignment paper

Minority Health Issues in South Africa  Essay Assignment paper

Minority Health Issues in South Africa  Essay Assignment paper

The identification of the main points of health-related concern is essential for planning an intervention strategy and identifying the risk groups that should be primarily reached (Skolnik, 2012). The paper at hand targets to provide an overview of the burden of the most concerning diseases such as TB, HIV, and AIDS that need to be currently considered in South Africa (Pew Research Center, 2014). The report likewise covers the problem of minority groups as they are most likely to be exposed to the risks of these diseases. Finally, the paper provides an overview of the interventions and preventative strategies implemented both at the governmental and community levels.Minority Health Issues in South Africa

The Burden of Disease and Minority Health Issues in South Africa

According to the Pew Research Center (2014), TB, HIV, and AIDS are the major health-related concerns in South Africa (para. 8). Statistics shows that the country has the highest HIV incidence rate in the world with the number of infected people reaching more than six million people. In addition, there were more than 300 thousand new infections registered in 2013. It is reported that women are more exposed to the infection than men, and the main risk group in terms of age is 30-34 years old (Avert, 2016).

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The representatives of the minority groups are most exposed to HIV and AIDS. Hence, there are three main risk groups that need to be distinguished. First and foremost, it is the so-called “men who have sex with men” or the MSM group. According to the official data, the prevalence of HIV among MSM makes 9.9%. Such a high rate might be explained by the fact that this group experiences severe social pressure that creates a barrier to their addressing the relevant medical organizations (Avert, 2016).Minority Health Issues in South Africa

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