Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm  Essay Assignment paper

Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm  Essay Assignment paper

Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm  Essay Assignment paper

The Maternal Role-Attainment theory identifies the meta-paradigm of nursing as interactional and developmental procedures, attaching a mother to her infant (Masters, 2015). The key purpose of this theory is to ensure that a mother acquired the necessary skills and competence of caring for her infant as well as gratification and pleasure in doing so. The Parent-Child Interaction Model proposes the early assessment of relationships between newborns and their mothers and the subsequent intervention, focusing on developmental and behavioral potential (Masters, 2015). According to this model, the close interaction of a caregiver, a mother, and her infant composes the meta-paradigm of maternal nursing. On the contrary to the first theory, this model pays attention to the environmental factors, including socio-economic and physical ones. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that the case of Ms. Montayer requires its application. Considering that she is currently in post-partum depression while her husband cannot help her, the role of an advanced nurse is to alleviate distress, being responsive and sensitive. At this point, the interaction between the mentioned actors is to be based on openness and dependence.Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm Essay

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