Major Elements of Negligence Essay Assignment paper

Major Elements of Negligence Essay Assignment paper

Major Elements of Negligence Essay Assignment paper

Outline major elements of Negligence
Assignment: Major Elements of Negligence

Outline four major elements of Negligence and state if each is present or absent in this case. Provide your rationale
Identify the legal concepts and explain the expected legal progression (trial process) for this case. Outline four major elements of Negligence and state if each is present or absent in this case. Provide your rationale.
– Discuss the ethical principles of this case-be specific and provide your rationale. Contrast the ethical principles to the legal issues. Do they conflict?
– Discuss the issue of informed consent, patient self-determination, vicarious liability and the manager’s duty to evaluate and supervise in this case.
– Analyze the contractual relationship in this case. Include a discussion of the elements of a contract and a legal analysis as to any missing or required elements.
– Based upon your complete analysis of the case, provide the best legal opinion to your client based upon the answers to the above noted rubric sections and your research in this course.

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