limiting Illness- Palliative Care  Essay Assignment paper

limiting Illness- Palliative Care  Essay Assignment paper

limiting Illness- Palliative Care  Essay Assignment paper

Palliative care is the practical approach that promotes the quality of a patient’s life who are facing the problem associated with a life-limiting illness. It becomes essential to address the prevention and relief of suffering from the treatment of pain and other physical, spiritual, and psychosocial problem. Palliative care spiritual assessment aims to offer a support system and comfort care at the end of life to cope with the issue due to illness. Palliative care mainly focuses on preventing, anticipating, and treating the symptoms experienced by patients with life-limiting illnesses.

Importance of Spirituality in Palliative care

All the domains of palliative care are interlinked with each other. Many palliative care patients find changes related to their spirituality when they are near to the end of their life. Some patients get closer to God and find religion as a coping mechanism to promote well-being. However, some patients get confused with spiritual care at the end of life and spiritual conflicts from the supreme power.limiting Illness- Palliative Care Essay

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limiting Illness- Palliative Care  Essay Assignment paper

specifically for you.
  • Spirituality is the crucial factor in palliative care, as many people experiencing spiritual distress can improve their mentality and outlook.
  • Spiritual care is an integral part of palliative care. The healthcare providers recognized that spirituality is vital for people who are near the end of their life.

At the end of life care, spirituality is not about imposing values and beliefs or converting an ill person. Instead, it is about providing meaning, strength, and purpose to palliative care patients along with their families.

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