Intro to Psychology Cognitive Dissonance

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Intro to Psychology Cognitive Dissonance essay assignment

Learning Objectives for Chapter 10 – Emotion and Motivation

 Understand the meaning and characteristics of the following terms and concepts: motivation, intrinsic
motivation, extrinsic motivation, instincts, homeostasis, self-efficacy.
 Know the characteristics and features of the following theories of motivation: instinct theory, drive theory,
arousal theory, self-efficacy theory, social motives theory, and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

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Learning Objectives for Chapter 11 – Personality
Know the characteristics, terms, and features associated with the following perspectives on personality:
 Freud’s psychodynamic perspective (including the levels of consciousness (conscious, unconscious, id,
ego, superego), the defense mechanisms listed in the table on page 374, and the stages of psychosexual
development and associated erogenous zones.
 The neo-Freudians: Alfred Adler’s individual psychology (including the concepts of inferiority complex,
social connectedness, and birth order; and Carl Jung’s analytical psychology (including the concepts of
collective unconscious, archetypes, and introversion, and extroversion).
 The Behavioral Perspective.
 Julian Rotter and Locus of Control.
 Humanistic approaches – basic concepts of the “third force” approach and Carl Rogers’ ideas about
personality (including self-concept, ideal self, real self, congruence, and incongruence).
 Five Factor Model of Personality.

Learning Objectives for Chapter 12 – Social Psychology
 Understand the meaning and characteristics of the following terms and concepts: social psychology,
situationism, dispositionism, internal factor, fundamental attribution error, individualistic culture, collectivist
culture, just-world-hypothesis, social norms, cognitive dissonance, confederate, conformity, Asch effect,
normative social influence, informational social influence, obedience, groupthink, social loafing, prejudice,
stereotype, discrimination, self-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, in-group, out-group, in-group bias,
bystander effect, diffusion of responsibility.
 Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment.
 Study by Solomon Asch on Conformity.
 Stanley Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience
 Prejudice and Discrimination (including types – racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, and why prejudice
and discrimination exist.

Learning Objectives for Chapter 16 – Therapy and Treatment
 Understand the meaning and characteristics of the following terms and concepts: asylums,
deinstitutionalization, biomedical therapy, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), cultural competence, rationale motive therapy (RET)
 Treatment in the Past.
 The following types of psychotherapy:
 Psychoanalysis (including techniques of free association, dream analysis, transference).
 Behavioral therapy, including counterconditioning, aversive conditioning, exposure therapy, systematic
desensitization, virtual reality exposure therapy).
 Cognitive therapy.
 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), including the ABC model and cognitive distortions.
 Humanistic Therapy (Rogerian/client-centered therapy, nondirective therapy, unconditional positive
 The Sociocultural Model.
 Barriers to Treatment