Human development in professionals

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Human development in professionals essay assignment

Risky behavior has a profound impact on adolescent development. Counselors can better understand the effects of high-risk behavior by understanding the client’s perspective on the behavior (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). For example, what are the pros and cons of having sex for Gabby? Does she worry about STD’s or pregnancy? Does sex enhance her relationship with her boyfriend? If she has regrets, are they related to her parents or God’s judgment? How Gabby perceives having sex informs the impact it has on her development. A concerning impact of teenage sexual activity is the increased likelihood of other problem behaviors. Research shows that participation in one risky behavior such as teen sex can increase participation in other high-risk behaviors such as drug use and drunk driving (Sullivan, Childs, & O’Connell, 2010). When high-risk and delinquent behavior increases, so do depressive symptoms (Sullivan, Childs, & O’Connell, 2010).

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