HUM 101 American Revolution

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HUM 101 American Revolution essay assignment

Chapter 10 Preparation

Type your answers to the questions using complete sentences and adequate information. Do not copy phrases from the book. Use your own words and briefly explain your responses.

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HUM 101 American Revolution

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  1. What reasons are given for why the Golden Rule endures? Explain.
  2. What is the first basic tenet of the Golden Rule? Explain.
  3. What is the second basic tenet of the Golden Rule? Explain.
  4. What is reversibility? Explain.
  5. What is the first criticism of reversibility? Explain.
  6. What is the second criticism of reversibility?
    • What are the three ways the criticisms/problems with reversibility can be fixed?
  7. What is the positive form of the Golden Rule? Explain.
  8. What is the negative form of the Golden Rule? Explain.
  9. How do the negative and positive forms of the Golden Rule compare? How are they viewed by scholars? Explain.
  10. Explain Christianity’s Golden Rule.
  11. Explain the positive form of Confucianism’s Golden Rule.
  12. Explain the negative form of Confucianism’s Golden Rule.

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Chapter 9 Preparation

Type your answers to the questions using complete sentences and adequate information. Do not copy phrases from the book. Use your own words and briefly explain your responses.

  1. What is contract theory? Explain.
  2. What is the state of nature? Explain. Which ethicist talked about this?
  3. What is the prisoner’s dilemma? Explain.
  4. Explain civil society? Explain. Which ethicist talked about this?
  5. What is the original position? Explain.
  6. What is the veil of ignorance?
  7. What is the liberty principle? Explain.
  8. What is the difference principle? Explain.
    • Explain the three parts of the difference principle.
    • What three problems are there with contract theory? Explain.
  9. Explain the two rebuttals/answers to the problems with contractual theory.


Chapter 8 Preparation

Type your answers to the questions using complete sentences and adequate information. Do not copy phrases from the book. Use your own words and briefly explain your responses.

  1. What is the difference between principles and rules?
  2. According to Kant, what is the difference between acting from inclination and acting from duty?
  3. What is the difference between heteronomy and autonomy?
  4. What is a categorical imperative?
  5. To Kant, what is more important: the consequences of an action or the principle behind the action? Explain and give an example.
  6. How is a hypothetical imperative different than a categorical imperative?
  7. What is the first formulation of the categorical imperative?
  8. What steps are gone through to decide if a principle can become a universal law?
  9. What is the second formulation of the categorical imperative?
  10. What is a perfect duty? Explain.
  11. What is an imperfect duty? Explain.
  12. What is the criticism against Kant’s idea of unconditional duty?
  13. Why is Kant criticized for not giving importance to feelings?
  14. What happens in the example of Ben, Ethan, and Jack? What does it have to do with Kant’s ideas?
  15. Why is Kant criticized for not accounting for beings without reason? Explain and give an example.