HSCI 424 Northridge COVID19 on Mental Health

HSCI 424 Northridge COVID19 on Mental Health essay assignment

HSCI 424 Northridge COVID19 on Mental Health essay assignment

This assignment is designed to meet the following course objective(s): Students will apply the theoretical concepts presented in this course by conducting an article review of a case study from a reliable news source.

The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:

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HSCI 424 Northridge COVID19 on Mental Health

specifically for you.
  1. to get you into the habit of identifying and reading reliable news sources;
  2. to increase awareness of health care events going on in the state, country, and throughout the world; and
  3. to practice oral summarization skills.

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Your oral presentation should include a brief summary of the content of the article, its significance to the healthcare field, and its implications from a planning or marketing perspective. Here are some additional points/questions you might also consider:

  • What are the positions held by the people mentioned in the article?
  • How do you feel about this event/issue?
  • How does or how could this event affect you?
  • Why is this event of significance? (Why should you or I care?)
  • Could this event be part of a larger issue?

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