HSA3104 Evolution on Hypertension Management

Order HSA3104 Evolution on Hypertension Management essay paper help

HSA3104 Evolution on Hypertension Management essay assignment


As the resources in this module illustrated, health care has changed significantly over the years. For this writing assignment, identify a health issue that has meaning to you, a family member, or friend. Look up the Healthy People 2020 objectives for that health issue. Then consider how that health issue would have been treated differently over the past 150 years (not any older than 1850). Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper between 600-800 words in length using the following outline/paragraphs, and including at least three scholarly references:

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HSA3104 Evolution on Hypertension Management

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  • Introduction and description of health issue, including listing the specific Healthy People 2020 indicator(s) and current information about the rates/percentages as compared to the goal
  • Illness treatment/management prior to 1900
  • Illness treatment/management around 1950
  • Illness treatment/management today
  • Summary

Submit the assignment before midnight on Sunday. Name the file: HSA3104_TL_Yourname.docx

Standard HSA Dropbox Instructions

  • Before submitting your assignment to the Dropbox, please review the following:
    • HSA Student Assignment Checklist
    • HSA Style Guide
  • Open the HSA Assignment Grading Rubric (20 points), highlight (CTRL+A), and then copy (CTRL+C) the rubric, and then paste (CTRL+V) the rubric (as text, not an image) at the very end of your paper. I will use this rubric to assess your work and provide you feedback.
  • In your paper, information should be paraphrased and cited. However, do not use quotes in this course.
  • After you have submitted your assignment, I recommend you review your TurnItIn/Originality report. Review the Reviewing a TurnItIn/Originality Report tutorial to learn more about how this report can help you improve your writing. Your report will identify many technical writing issues. Based on the results, you may revise and resubmit your assignment. I will grade the last version you submit before the deadline.