Hormones and Behaviors  Essay Assignment paper

Hormones and Behaviors  Essay Assignment paper

Hormones and Behaviors  Essay Assignment paper

During this stage, there are a lot of biological changes which occurs rapidly, mainly because of genetic and environmental factors. In boys, sexual development changes starts with scrotum and testes enlargement, followed by penis lengthening and the enlargement of prostate and seminal vesicles. Afterward, public hair appears. The facial hair and axillaries normally appears about two years after pubic hair. After one year of testes enlargement, the spurt begins to grow. The initial ejaculation normally occurs one year after penis enlargement. Finally, the gynecomastia which appears in a form of breast buds normally occurs within several years.

In girls, the first physical sign is breast budding and sexual maturation, followed by spurt growth. Afterward, axillary and pubic hair appears. Menarche appears two year after breast growth and its growth decrease when reaching the peak. Menarche appears betwixt 12 and 13 years. Hormones and Behaviors Essay Example

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