Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County  Essay Assignment paper

Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County  Essay Assignment paper

Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County  Essay Assignment paper

Promoting improvements in healthcare services is crucial to the well-being of the community members. The Healthy People 2020 has created a range of opportunities for making healthcare more efficient and patient outcomes more successful. However, communication and care affordability problems in Miami-Dade may hinder the successful implementation of the Healthy People 2020 objectives and improving patient outcomes. By focusing on patient-centered care and encouraging patient education among the target population members, at the same time making the services more affordable, one will be able to address the problem successfully.

Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade and the Healthy People 2020 Goals

According to recent reports, heart disease and stroke (HDS) remains one of the top leading death causes in Miami-Dade, FL (“County health profile,” 2015). The total death toll reached the threateningly high level of 153.6 in 2015.

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The identified information sets HDS on par with cancer as one of the greatest threats to the well-being of the Miami-Dade population. Among the reasons for the problem to remain topical, the lack of patient education and access to care for vulnerable groups needs to be mentioned. The identified phenomenon shows that Miami-Dade does not meet the goals set by the Healthy People 2020 initiative, which suggests that access to care and patient education, among other tools, should be used as the means of preventing and managing the instances of HDS (“Heart disease and stroke,” 2017). Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County Essay

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Cost to the Healthcare System and Possible Risk Factors

There is no need to stress that HDS is a major concern for the representatives of the Florida Healthcare System, as well as the healthcare system of the U.S.., in general (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015, par. 1). Thus, the cost of HDS to the healthcare system is very high. The development of HDS can be spurred by a range of factors. Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, a wrong diet, carotid artery disease, atrial fibrillation, sickle cell disease, and other conditions that affect the functioning of the patient’s heart may lead to HDS (Yeates et al., 2015). Age, weight, and the presence of diabetes are typically viewed as the key risk factors, though race and gender may also impact the patient outcome (African Americans and women are more likely to be affected by the disease) (Go et al., 2017). Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County Essay

Role of a Public Health Nurse: Opportunities for Managing the Issue

In the instance of addressing a HDS problem among the residents of Miami-Dade, the role of a nurse boils down to making care and the related services affordable to the vulnerable population, as well as educating the latter about the issue of HDS, its identification, management, and prevention (Go et al., 2017). Adherence to treatment guidelines should also be viewed as the primary task of nurses as the means of delivering the care of the best quality to the target population. In addition, raising awareness among the minorities may be the appropriate initiative for handling the concern. Considering low-cost opportunities for medical treatment as the means of making care affordable for the poor and low-income residents of Miami-Dade should also be included in the range of nurses’ responsibilities. Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County Essay

 Interdisciplinary Approach: Description

To address the issue, one may have to consider creating an interdisciplinary team of experts. Promoting collaboration in the interdisciplinary context is crucial to the enhancement of the care quality. A registered nurse can educate patients by offering essential information to the target population and engaging them in a dialogue in social networks. A therapist will provide the treatment options and give counseling to the vulnerable population. The collaboration with the ICU department, in turn, will allow managing the imminent threats to the patients that are critically ill. Consistent communication between the team members is crucial, which is why the active use of the latest IT tools as the means of patient data transfer (e.g., during bedside handovers) must be encouraged.Heart Disease and Stroke in Miami-Dade County Essay

Needs of the Vulnerable Population: The Poor, Women, Minorities, and the Imprisoned

As stressed above, there are several population groups in Miami-Dade that are in dire need of help when it comes to HDS management and prevention. The subject matter affects women, impoverished people, ethnic and racial minorities, and inmates (Yeates et al., 2015). In most cases, the identified groups require better options for accessing healthcare and the related services. HDS contributes to a steep rise in the number of deaths among the vulnerable population (Yeates et al., 2015).

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