Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week 5 Assignment 1 Essay Paper

Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week 5 Assignment 1 Essay Paper

Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week 5 Assignment 1 Essay Paper

Chapter 3

This week you will resubmit Chapters 1 and 2, and write and submit Chapter 3 of your Capstone Project. A general outline for Chapter 3 is below. Please type your chapter using APA style guidelines and submit Chapters 1-3 as a single document to the dropbox for review and feedback by the end of Week 5.

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Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week 5 Assignment 1 Essay Paper

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Please reference thefor grading guidelines.

  1. Chapter 3 – Strategic Plan (5 to 7 pages)
    1. What should management do?
      1. Implementation
        1. Costs – direct and indirect
          1. Who will pay?
          2. Sustainability
        2. Labor needed
          1. Special training required?
        3. Technology needed
          1. Current systems in place?
        4. Communication
          1. Gaining employee buy-in
          2. Formal versus informal
      2. Short term versus long-term planning
    2. Who will benefit?
      1. Organization?
        1. Leadership?
        2. Employees?
      2. Patients?
      3. Providers
    3. What will the healthcare environment look like once problem is solved?

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