Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Assignment paper

Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Assignment paper

Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Assignment paper

This presentation involved an interview with Gerry Flanagan. She is an agent with Human where she specializes in Medicare advantage plans. She and I worked together In Florida, Alabama, and Georgia as Insurance agents. She was my supervisor and a good friend. During the Interview, Gerry and discussed the three issues that agents and supervisors face In the industry. Licensing, MedicareMedical regulations, and how the Affordable Care Act would change Medicare. Licensing Is a big Issue, as there Is a lot to do to get a license. Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Paper

First, a person must complete a background check.

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This requires a fee and a fingerprinting process. Twenty-four pre-licensing courses must be completed. These classes involve life, accident, health, and annuity education. Once these are completed a state exam must be passed in order to hold a license. Many people are not aware of all the requirements involved. Gerry gets to weed out those not meeting the basic elements to be an agent. Medicare has changes that occur yearly, agents have a lot of rules they have to follow.

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Center for MedicareMedicaid Services (CAMS) does a good job of protecting seniors.

There are certain ways to handle clients. Agents cannot call them. We use to do a lot of cold calling when we got leads. Everyday seniors could get many calls from agents trying to get them to sign up for their plan. This created a lot of frustration and contusion tort seniors. Some other things that are restricted: we could not buy them lunch to hear our sales-pitch or offer them a gift tort listening. CAMS makes these rules & If you don’t follow them, pay a fine or you could lose your license. Basically, Medicare Is a health Insurance plan you pay Into prior to retirement. Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Paper

It has 4 parts A, B, C, ; D. There Is an annual enrollment period, which this year Is 10/15-12/7. Ten thousand Baby Boomers will age In everyday between the years 2012-2031. This Is an amazingly large amount of people to have in the system. Medicaid is an income-based insurance plan. It can help with fees for all parts of Medicare. There are 4. 6 million seniors that qualify for Medicaid. Of those, there are 3. 7 million seniors that have a disability of some form. All together, there are 8. 3 million seniors that meet the criteria for both Medicare and Medicaid, being dually eligible.

The Affordable Care Act will have a big effect Medicare. It will provide an out- of-pocket expense at a cap of $6700. The new Annual Enrollment Period is now 10/1 5-12/07/2012. It gives a reduction of donuts-hole costs. There will be an increase in premiums for seniors with higher incomes. CA will provide more managed care than fee for service in health care services. Advisory boards implemented that will attempt to reduce spending per person. Providers will have an Accountable Care Organization where they agree to be more accountable for over-all Medicare infirmaries w/ their primary care physician. Health Insurance and Medicare Essay Paper

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