Health Care Economics Issues  Essay Assignment paper

Health Care Economics Issues  Essay Assignment paper

Health Care Economics Issues  Essay Assignment paper

One of the fundamental services that consumers need is health care the consumers demand. It is the economics that teach us that rational consumers make choices that aim at maximizing utility. This means that if one chooses to consume more chocolate despite that it is harmful to one’s teeth, it means the person perceives more utility in the joy of eating chocolate than in having healthy teeth (Chernew, 2009). Health care firms supply health insurance, and health care to the enrollee in such companies. They incur costs in doing that, but they earn revenue from their services of providing health insurance. It is from the information provided by the companies that make people choose or reject their services (Cheng & Ives, 2009).Health Care Economics Issues Essay

E-editors comprise of 760 men and 840 women. All of them fall in the age of 35 and 54 years. Between the age of 35 and 39 years, there are 150 men and 170 women. Between the ages of 40 to 44, there are 174 men and 130 women. Between the ages of 45 to 49, there are 267 men and 245 women. Between the ages of 50 to 54, there are 169 men and 295 women. Total number of people in E-editors is 1600. Additionally, all of the members are married. They usually work for long hours. During this period, most of the time is spent sitting in front of the computer, and it is primarily sedentary. Out of one hundred people, ninety five of them have worked in other companies, and they have been doing the same work that they do in the current company that they join. The remaining five percent had jobs that did not require a lot of activities before their enrollment at E-editors (The Financing of Health Care, 2012).

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