HD4 Diversity Immersion Experience

NOTE: this cultural immersion experience must relate to your approved research topic, interview
and paper.
The purpose: based on your multicultural/diversity research topic, students will participate in events/activities that are culturally different from events that are already familiar to them AND relate to your research topic, interview, and research paper.
Step outside your comfort zone and select an event/experience that speaks to you. This must be a current experience and not one you have had previously! A brief walk though of an exhibit of some type does not qualify as an immersion experience. Examples of events/activities include:
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
Attend a different religious service
Participate in a festival or event of another culture
Visiting and conversing with/helping with meals at a senior citizens center or nursing home,
Volunteer for an evening at a youth center,
Help at a cooling or warming center or homeless shelter
Volunteer and help at a camp or special Olympics
Provide care for a special needs child while the parent takes a break
Before participating in the Cultural Immersion Experience,
Research the cultural group as related to this particular experience. **This is the first section of your paper!!!***
You have four research articles in the Interview assignment. This adds four additional research articles. What does the research say about any cultural traditions, events/ceremonies, etc. that are significant to their heritage?
After attending the event/experience, write and reflect on your experience and answer the following questions:
* Describe the setting
* Discuss your participation and details about what happened at the event
* Discuss how what you experienced was or was not consistent with the research you discovered * Describe how you interacted with others. Why do you think this was your response to the group?
* How were you received by the group?
* What was it like to be out of your comfort zone?
* What did you learn about yourself through this experience and how has your thinking changed about individuals from this diverse setting? Link this back to what you have read in the class and to the assessments you have taken about diversity.
Include references in APA format in the reference page and in-text citations for the four references specific to this experience.
How to submit
Please use the provided answer sheet (downloadable from Canvas). Save your work either as Microsoft Word document (.doc), or rich text format (.rtf), and submit it via the File Upload function of Canvas. You shall name your file in this fashion: “your last name_assignment name.”

This assignment will be determined on the following criteria.
Much Evidence (2)
Some Evidence (1)
Little Evidence (0)
Cleared described the cultural group as related to this particular experience (demonstrated good literature review)
Clearly described the setting
Clearly described a current and qualifying immersion experience
Clearly explained how what you experienced was or was not consistent with the research you discovered
Clearly described how you interacted with others
Clearly described how you were received by the group
In-depth reflection on “What was it like to be out of your comfort zone”
In-depth reflection on “What did you learn about yourself through this experience and how has your thinking changed about individuals from this diverse setting”
List of references is formatted in APA style
Organization (use the provided answer sheet)
Correct language mechanics