HCA531 Key Elements of Healthcare Policy in Driving Access

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HCA531 Key Elements of Healthcare Policy in Driving Access essay assignment

Instructions: This assignment must be done in APA format. A minimum word count of 300 words (not including references) is required. A minimum of 3 references (with in-text citations) is required. Please make sure that scholarly references are used. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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HCA531 Key Elements of Healthcare Policy in Driving Access

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What are the key elements of healthcare policy in driving access, cost and quality? Why are these key issues?

Your text addresses the issues of Access, Cost and Quality as three key dimensions of healthcare. These are all “moving targets” especially as healthcare policy is a key driver.

In the complete section you are given links to an article on Geography and its influence on “Access” to care and a Case study on how insurance lowers the cost of care.

In addition to those links please read the article below. The case study was written in 2012. Much has changed about whether access to care and having insurance lowers cost. The study below is from 2017. Please take both into consideration when answering the Complete Questions. Your answer will be graded on your ability to do a comparative analysis of access to care and insurance changes between 2012 and 2017

To prepare you for the Complete section please discuss the article below and compare it to the case study article.

Please review the assignment requirements for discussions. This is essential in order to earn full points in the discussion sections. I will be active in the discussions often requesting additional information or asking questions. Please reply to my replies to your posts.

Please read the assignment requirements for discussions and the complete section. Thanks


What really drives healthcare costs? https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/healthpolicy/69102?xid=nl_mpt_weeklyvideo_2017-11-11&eun=g252849d0



Book Reference:

Morone, J. A., Litman, T. J., & Robins, L. S. (2009). Health politics and policy(4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning.


Instructors Notes:

  • In professional writing avoid using first person “I” and third person “we”, as they detract from the    quality and turn professional researched statements into opinions.  Instead of “I” use, for example, use “the writer, the author or the researcher”.
  • Approved sources for this course include the course textbook and scholarly articles from the Bethel library databases. No other source information is acceptable.