Grant Sustainability Plan

Grant Sustainability Plan essay assignment

Grant Sustainability Plan essay assignment


Please submit your Grant sustainability plan and summary for instructor feedback – please note you are submitting this same assignment to the Week 6 Discussion Board as well for feedback from your classmates.

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Grant Sustainability Plan

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The sustainability plan describes how the project will be continued once the grant ends.  The resources found here show the many different ways a project can be sustained.  What we are looking for here is a plan for how you will work with the community to continue the good work you have started.  This should be in paragraph form and include what your plan will be to continue the project after the grant period is over.  One example of how a project can be sustained is in documenting all that you have done to start a project to ensure that others will know what steps are to be taken to carry out the project again in the future.

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Overview of Sustainability (Links to an external site.) – The what, why, when and how to plan for project sustainability.

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